Blog categories are nested under this page in the top Menu and also shown in the Menu at the foot of the page. Please post! Once you have Registered and logged on you can post either by going to the Dashboard sidebar on the left and clicking on Add New Post or by using the Quick Draft facility on the Dashboard which will ask you to save the post as a draft. You can then edit it and publish it. Please assign your post a category if you can.
Categories at the moment are:
Musings, for general views and opinions; Reviews, for reviews; Original work; Housekeeping for all stuff related to the running of the site; Events and Projects; and Uncategorized for when you don’t pick a category. Oh, and Giraffe Related for all things related to giraffes.
If it is your first post it may be held for approval, basically as an anti-spam measure.
Awkward Giraffe believes in free speech, so speak your truth. But we do necessarily reserve the right to remove anything too legally compromising or offensive for us to handle.
You can contact us quickly though the comments box below if you have, for example, any problem logging on. And the Search function is also useful if you are looking for anything on the site.